Offering new career opportunities to well-performing employees within our organization is one of our priority targets in accordance with the vision, strategic targets and Human Resources development policies of the Company.

In this regard, vertical and horizontal career opportunities such as ‘appointment’, ‘job enhancement’ and ‘promotion’ are offered on the basis of equality of opportunity. Our employees are supported with the opportunities of ASAŞ ACADEMY within new career areas.

Recruitment Process

The focus of the recruitment process is to employ team mates, who are compatible with the fundamental values of ASAŞ such as “Respect for Employee”, “Being Ethical”, “Seeking for Excellence’’ and “Customer Orientation’’, who have the competencies to accomplish the vision and targets of the company and who can direct the future of the company, on our journey of success.

Recruitment steps are carried out individually or in groups in the form of competency-based interview, personality or skill inventories, English level test and case studies according to the position. Upon completion of reference control process, first verbal and then written ‘job offer’ process is initiated for those candidates that have completed the process positively.

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Orientation program at ASAŞ consists of 2 phases such as general and professional orientation. A 3-day general orientation program is implemented, with the first 2 days in classroom and 1 day in the field, to facilitate the adaptation process of all new blue and white collar employees in all positions and to eliminate all possible uncertainties. All processes from explanation about the history of the Company, development processes, mandatory trainings on occupational health and safety and environment, introduction of ASAŞ management system and sessions to explain corporate culture are fully completed. In addition, upon completion of the field tour in the factories, the employees are sent to the working areas where professional orientation (on-the-job training) process is initiated.

At this process, ‘‘Welcome My Friend’’ system is initiated for white collar employees. In this system which is a program implemented to ensure adaptation to the corporate culture within a short period of time, a friend is appointed on a voluntary basis for each white collar employee with whom the new employee can communicate on all matters during the initial 1 month working period, ask for support and get answers to all his/her questions.

A professional orientation (on-the-job training) program is implemented for each position in own working area of the personnel, in line with a pre-designated plan and within pre-designated durations. Professional orientation (on-the-job training) is performed for minimum 30 and maximum 60 days according to the position.