According to the ENERGY MANAGEMENT POLICY of our company which emphasizes the sustainability concept in its vision for the purpose of conveying today’s values to the future, we are committed to:

  • Reducing energy intensity in our production and auxiliary enterprises operations,
  • Providing and ensuring widespread use of information sources that will achieve the purpose and targets and preparing relevant budgets related with these targets,
  • Continuously improving system hardware and energy performance of our facility and improving energy performance in the design and modernization of production and auxiliary enterprise processes,
  • Ensuring widespread use of criteria, people and information sources that will achieve the planned purposes and targets and documenting and archiving such information and documents,
  • Continuously following up energy-efficient products and services and ensuring the utilization and use of them,
  • Complying with all legal and other requirements related to energy.

Our Responsibilities

  • To understand the adaptation of our energy policy and procedures with duties and responsibilities and to implement them,
  • To create EnVer awareness within ASAŞ organization,
  • To ensure efficient use and reduction of energy that is used in our activities,
  • To support all works that will ensure sustainability.