Besides having one of the widest continuous strip casters in Europe, ASAŞ cast house is equipped with the most advanced technologies in order to serve international market requirements. All casters are equipped with patented metal feeding system which provides a uniform flow and temperature control during casting to ensure crucial mechanical and physical properties of final products.
ASAŞ cold rolling mill is the first 6-Hi aluminium rolling mill in Turkey and one of the only few invested in Europe during last 15 years. Continuous variable crown (CVC) and intermediate/work roll bending systems introduced to the 6-Hi mill makes it possible to roll hard alloys (5000, 6000 and 7000 series). The mill is also equipped with stressometer and hot-edge spray in order to serve best quality in terms of international flatness norms.
Having state of the art slitting lines and cut-to-length line, we are able to produce coils from 25mm to 2.200mm in width and sheets from 500mm to 12.000mm in length for a thickness range of 0,2 to 4,5mm. With these core competencies, ASAŞ has the widest product range among the all flat aluminium producers in Turkey.
ASAŞ foil rolling mill is the widest and one of the fastest foil rolling mill in the world. Thanks to variable crown roll (VCR), flatness measuring roll, work roll bending system and hot edge spray system which gives us great apportunity a unique ability to roll widest foil ever produced.
With state of the art heavy gauge slitting line and separator, we are able to produce from 25mm up to 2.100mm wide and from 0,005 to 0,3mm thick coils.